Content marketing allows you to reach your ideal audience through storytelling and value-based articles. Here at Ozment Media , we help our clients here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and all across the county develop content that is tailored to their industry.
We believe that when you give your audience the information they are searching for, you will build loyalty and trust with them. It’s to your advantage to educate your ideal customer through writing. The more educated they are, the more likely they will buy what you are offering.
Here is what we focus on for our clients when we are writing content for their marketing:
Before you start writing, you need to identify the pain points your ideal client is experiencing. They have worries and things that are keeping them up at night. You have a solution that will help them get to their end result. But, before you get to that point, you must address their problem.
This content strategy takes the focus off of you and puts it on your ideal customer. People will feel more connected to you and like you truly care when you bring up their fears and worries.
Think about how a travel agency handles their marketing. They are selling their customers on white sand beaches and biking through the mountains, not the plane ride.
You may love talking about the nuts and bolts of what goes into solving your customers’ problems, but they don’t care about the process. What they want to see is the end result. This is why case studies, testimonies, and before and afters are so powerful. It shows your potential customer the results they are looking for.
At the end of every blog, website page, and newsletter you write, you need to give your reader a clear call to action. This means you are going to tell them exactly what you want them to do next. Maybe you want them to call you to set up an appointment. If so, tell them to call you and link to your phone number or contact page in the content. Or, you may want them to fill out a form. Link to the form and ask them to fill it out.
Here at Ozment Media, we work hard to get our clients results through a tailored content marketing strategy. We make sure that all content we post on behalf of our clients is educational and relevant to their service.
We specialize in SEO services here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation. We will be happy to sit down with you and talk about your business and goals.
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